

Huge congratulations to William Atobo for successfully completing his diploma of nursing. HHH sponsored William by paying for his university fees, and was our first beneficiery of the "Darmady Scolarship". William has not only work diligently throughout, but also had his studies interrupted by covid-19, so had to do part of his studies virtually. William now has a new job at HRRH as a registered nurse and is currently working in HDU where his new knowledge and skills can be shared and developed.

William writes "I am indebted to HHH. God bless the trustees of HHH and long live HHH"


Hike for Hoima

Nine volunteers faced the elements today to "Hike for Hoima". The 10 mile sponsored hike was under threat with snow forecasts, but the snow held off enough for it to go ahead. We faced the typical everchanging British weather, with a mix of rain, sleet, snow, wind and sun all in the space of a few hours! The warm drinks and lunch was very welcome at the end.

Over £880 has so far been raised and money is still coming in. Thanks to all those who took part and to those who donated money.



Due to COVID 19, it has been a while since we trustees are HHH have been able to organise a fundraising event to help us continue the work we are doing in Hoima. Even though we have not been able to physically go out to Hoima, we have been continuing to support projects in Hoima, such as paying towards the anaesthetic service at Azur clinic, and sponsoring enrolled nurses to do the diploma nursing course to further their knowledge and career pathways.

We are now in need of peoples help to donate a few £££'s to help us continue the work we are doing. We don't spend lots of money on promoting our charity, and don't pay anyone to work for us, so all the money raised goes directly where we feel it is most needed.

The trustees of HHH have decided to organise and take part in a Hike 4 Hoima - a 10 mile walk around the local countryside. We ask that you will consider giving a donation to help keep us motivated to continue walking, even though it will be wet and muddy November. If you would also like to join us in the walk, let us know and you can either create a personal fundraising page, or share our link.

Some examples of what your donations can equate to are 

10p will buy a vile of Oxytocin to prevent Post partum haemorrhage. 

£3 could pay for a mama pack to support a woman with a safe delivery meaning she can go to a hospital with all the right equipment needed to birth her baby

£3 could buy a life saving prescription for antibiotics for a child with sepsis

£1 could pay for our reusable homemade  Sanitary towel kits with Elizabeth our Ugandan friend who tours the Hoima district helping young girls and women to make products to give them equal opportunities of education, lectures and work during their period. 1 in 10 girls or young women miss school or college everyday due to menstruation and a lack of sanitary wear.

£2.50 would pay for malaria treatment for a sick child or adult suffering with malaria 

£5 would allow a member of staff or student to attend one of our a skills workshops to educate them on current and local guidance to improve healthcare 

Many thanks in advance for your support.

The Trustees of HHH


Our Chairman runs for Hoima 

Howard Simpson our charity Chairman ran the Reading half marathon and raised an amazing £100 for HHH. Well done Howard the trustees are mega proud of your efforts and just a few minutes over 2 hours to run it ...... very impressive. 

Lets all get training to join you next time. 

These funds are so much needed to carry on our efforts in Uganda by supporting trips, education and support. 



A few more photos of the trip from Team October 2019

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